Every single game this season, Duke just cannot come out firing in the 1st half. It isn’t like they are playing like shit in the 1st half, it’s just that they can be playing 10x better and put teams in their place. They are giving hope to these sub par teams and it could bite them in the ass.

The biggest positive in this game is that Cam Reddish remembered he was the 3rd ranked player in the nation and is playing great on both sides of the ball.

If he can keep this up throughout the season I just really can’t see anyone comparing to this team. I have to give credit to Florida State as they are putting pressure on Duke the entire game. The biggest thing they are doing is keeping their hands active in the lane. There hasn’t been any easy buckets and keeping them to 0 dunks is outrageous. Zion has 33 dunks this season alone and they keot the entire Duke team to 0.

The second half story is that Zion is on the bench. He left the game in the 1st half with a minute left after being poked in the eye and it has set Duke back a bit. The biggest negative I have seen is the energy. When Zion is on that court the moral is completely different.

I am so confused to why they can’t figure out how to stop the alley oops. They are leaving guys wide open and that is the only reason FSU has been in the game. It was a hard fought game all the way to the last three seconds. Rj Barrett wasn’t able to come in clutch with hitting both free throws to tie the game but Duke was fortunate enough to get the ball back with 2.8 seconds left. Both coaches called like 9 times and it was torture.

The play started to develop with nobody open and double teaming Rj Barrett. Cam Reddish comes out of no where and bangs a mother fucking three. Everyone was down on him all year and he came out today and said fuck you to the haters. Holy shit what an ending.

Oh and also thoughts and prayers to my boss Dave Portnoy. Holy mother of lord this one hurts.

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