Donnie Does History: Fat Men's Clubs

Most of what you’ll see here I learned from the following NPR article: “The Forgotten History  of Fat Men’s Clubs”.  It definitely worth a read. 

Due to New Year’s Resolutions, It seems these days everyone is on a diet. Big Cat wouldn’t even drink a beer during the Eagles/Bears game as he’s trying to shed a few LBs. Salad lines in NYC are out the door. But let’s harken back to day when “Fat was Cool”.

Believe it or not, in the late 19th century and early 20th century, Fat Men’s clubs were all the rage in America. The New England Fat Men’s Club was one of the most successful ones, boasting around 10,000 members at it’s peak. Members had to be at least 200 pounds, pay a $1 fee to enter and learn a secret handshake and password. Their matra was “We’re fat and making the most of it” and their motto was “I’ve got to be good-natured; I can’t fight and I can’t run.” Incredible. At their meetings they would, you guessed it, eat a shit ton. Below is an excerpt describing one of their feasts:

“One nine-course menu included oyster cocktail, cream of chicken soup, boiled snapper, fillet of beef with mushrooms, roast chicken, roast suckling pig, shrimp salad, steamed fruit pudding with brandy sauce, assorted cakes, cheese and ice cream followed by coffee and cigars. The evening was laced with large portions of wit, sarcasm and roaring laughter.”

They would also host competitive weigh-ins, leap frog contests(da fuck?), compare girths (no homo), network, and occasionally drum up support for their favorite political candidate.

This was a time when being fat was seen as a sign of wealth and high status. Unfortunately, doctors and insurance companies were the Fat Clubs worst enemy. Once they started to push the preferability of being underweight in terms of health and longevity, membership of fat men’s clubs began to dwindle. A the last meeting of the New England Fat Men’s clubs in 1924, only 38 members showed up and NONE of them weighed more than 200 pounds. What a disgrace.

Don’t worry though guys. I’m keeping the Fat Men’s Club dream alive. I’m currently in a group chat called “Barrel Boys” that consists of predominantly overweight men where we mainly just talk about food and beer. That’s not weird you’re weird.

Here’s my official take on weight. I don’t see anything wrong with rocking a bit of a gut(also known as a barrel). That’s just a sign that you enjoy the finer things in life. Where being fat becomes a problem, is when your excess weight prevents you from partaking in certain activities such as pick-up basketball, flying on an airplane, and walking 10 minutes to a bar. That’s when you’ve officially made the transition from “Barrel Boy” to “Fat Fuck”. Let’s stay away from the Fat Fuck side of the weight spectrum in 2019 fellas.

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