Everybody Say A Quick Prayer For Nerlens Noel Who Just Had A Nasty Fall

Holy shit, that is some scary stuff right there. Getting crushed in the face with an elbow is rough enough. That for sure didn’t feel great. To then fall all that way and break it with your head is scary as hell. I wouldn’t really call this a dirty play by Wiggins, he was just making a strong move to finish through contact, it was an accident. Obviously Noel was taken away via a stretcher and hopefully things aren’t too serious. You hate to see stuff like this, it reminded me a little of that Jaylen Brown fall last year that believe it or not was also against the Timberwolves

As the game went on things started to get a little chippy, Jeff Teague just got tossed

and as I write this we have a 5 point game heading into the fourth quarter. Obviously the game is important for both teams, but the bigger thing is Noel’s overall health. Hopefully this is just a concussion or something but I dunno he hit the ground hard right on his face. Awful stuff.

So please, join me in wishing Nerlens Noel a speedy recovery.

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