A Panama City Spring Break Foam Blackout Is The Best and Worst Idea We've Ever Had

This is gonna be the greatest 2 days in Barstool Blackout history. And I hope everyone makes it count because these will undoubtedly be the shows that absolutely sink us. We couldn’t go to the middle of fucking New Jersey without the Blackout Tour drawing national media attention. Had some fun in Central Jersey and next thing we had the NYPD Commissioner commenting on the tour. What the fuck do you think is gonna happen at spring break in Panama City Beach?? I almost feel irresponsible bringing the Fckin Foam tour to spring break. Its like throwing gasoline on the fire. And by gasoline I mean soap suds and by fire I mean girls with STDs.

Lets fuckin do it!




Two shows.  Both at the Boardwalk Beach Resort in Panama City Beach. And all the following schools have spring break these weeks: Rutgers, MiamiU, Coastal Carolina, ESU, UMASS, UCONN, Towson, UNH, and USC. Thats like a who’s who lineup of Blackout MVPs.

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