Hunter Renfrow On Alabama: "Did They Just Give Up?

Just when you thought Alabama’s grave couldn’t be danced on any further, Hunter Renfrow decided to do it one more time:

I will say, Hunter Renfrow isn’t wrong. Bringing in Jalen Hurts in the 4th quarter was the white flag. You may say, “well, it worked against Georgia?” Yes, but if you were going to beat Clemson, you were going to through the air. The best rush defense in the nation would have much preferred Jalen Hurts to Tua.

Outside of becoming a good college WR while looking like an insurance agent, Hunter Renfrow will go down in history as an Alabama killer. 2016, 7 receptions, 88 yards, 2 TDs:

2017, game-winning TD:

2019: Dancing on Alabama’s grave.

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