Babe Ruth's Training Regimen Was Completely Fucking Ridiculous

Not my GOAT!

This video just got more and more ridiculous as it went on and I’m completely fascinated by it. First Babe is just getting his legs pushed into his gut like he’s one of those outdoor water forces and they’re trying to push the piss out of him, then they get out the medicine ball and just start beating the shit out of him with it, finally they drop the ball altogether and decide to use straight hand to hand combat to get that core in tip top shape.

But guess what? It gets even more ridiculous! The workouts weren’t even the most absurd part!

Babe goes ahead and puts on a Strega Nona costume to lecture us about how physical fitness is important. My man, you just had someone kick the shit out of you for an hour and you’re gonna go have some hot dogs for the protein and you’re gonna wash them down with beer. Probably gonna rip a few cigarettes for the health benefits of carcinogens too. Don’t you go telling me about how I should be concerned with my physical fitness.

But I will admit that it’s kinda funny to think “how dumb were people those days? They actually thought exercising like this was good for them? Thank god we’ve evolved” but then I’m gonna walk home past five CrossFit gyms filled to the brim with investment bankers trying to lift 1,000 pounds without a warmup exclusively using their back.

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