Poor Guy Gets Beyond Coldcocked While Getting Robbed By Aussie Trash

(Unmitigated beat down starts at :38)

AUSTRALIA – Timothy Williams, from Illawarra, NSW, can be seen hitting the refugee so hard in his face that he required stitches in his left ear and lost a tooth, in CCTV footage shown in court on Thursday morning. While his victim was on the floor, the 26-year-old continuously bashed the man as he tried to escape the unprovoked assault. The refugee had only been in Australia for five days after travelling from his native Eritrea – one of the most violent countries in the world – when he was set upon at Wollongong railway station, 82 kilometres south of Sydney.

This is absolutely awful and tough to witness, but I’ll tell you what, that refugee can take a punch. Unless the attacker was throwing pillows the entire time there’s no way the victim should be alive right now. I get socked like that and I’m sleeping until the next Olympics and this guy still has the cognitive ability to attempt an escape. Screw not going to bed, the fact his head didn’t come clear off his body after that first blow is the most shocking part of all.

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