Jay Z and Beyonce Want Their Fans To Go Vegan In 2019

Source – If you’re still on the fence on what New Year’s resolution to go with, Beyoncé and JAY-Z may have made your decision a little easier.

In the introduction for Marco Borges’ (Beyoncé’s trainer) new book, The Greenprint: Plant-Based Diet, Best Body, Better World, the couple challenge their fans to try veganism.

“Having children has changed our lives more than anything else,” they wrote, according to People. “We used to think of health as a diet—some worked for us, some didn’t. Once we looked at health as the truth, instead of a diet, it became a mission for us to share that truth and lifestyle with as many people as possible.”

That led to them making a change for their family, and a “want to challenge you, as we challenge ourselves,” as well.

“We all have a responsibility to stand up for our health and the health of the planet. Let’s take this stand together. Let’s spread the truth. Let’s make this mission a movement. Let’s become ‘the Greenprint,’” they added.

JAY and Bey have been major supporters of the plant-based lifestyle, with Beyoncé turning to it to get ready for her Coachella 2018 performance. 

You know, there are a lot of Beyonce haters in the world and I never understood why until I read this article. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt, but the second she starts putting herself in the same category as this guy…I can’t.

I’m purposely leaving Jay Z out of this blog because I refuse to believe that a guy who used to “move snowflakes by the OZ” gives a shit about whether or not the pancake you’re eating contains egg batter. He’s just going along for the ride because he cheated on Beyonce and has to do whatever she says otherwise she’ll dump him.

The issue that I have isn’t that Jay Z and Beyonce are vegan, it’s that they’re doing what every other vegan on the planet insists on doing: shoving it in everyone else’s face and then preaching about how much better their life is because of it. I’d rather listen to a celebrity preach about politics because at least that’s something people can relate to. No one, and I repeat NO ONE, can relate to a billionaire couple with a staff of private chefs talk about how much better their life is because they eat vegan.

The craziest part of it all is that people will read that book and actually do it. That’s how diehard the Bey-Hive is. She says “jump” and they say “how high?” It’s a far cry from the ’03 Bonnie and Clyde that we used to know. Sad. I guess this means I’m officially team Riri.

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