It's The Year Of Our Lord 2018 And Notre Dame Has Finally Lost A Football Game

Things did not go as planned…

I won’t lie. I talked myself into a Notre Dame win pretty early on in December. I thought they had enough to win a tight game against Clemson. Then when Dexter Lawrence got suspended and fucking bald eagle landed on a Notre Dame fan during the pregame

It seemed like the stars were aligned…

Very wrong. Everything went against Notre Dame. EVERY single play that needed to be reviewed went against the Irish. I do think the officials got all of those calls right but a few fractions of an inch here or there and the game would’ve been closer. If Notre Dame only had a few more bounces and like a handful of better players they would’ve won. That’s it. Clemson having better players, big time determining factor in this one. I overlooked that. That’s on me.

Great season either way. Ian Book, Boykin, Claypool, four starters on the offensive line, and probably 6 starters on defense coming back. The 2019 Undefeated Blog will practically write itself.

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