Zaza Pachulia Appears To Save A Timberwolves Fan From Getting His Ass Kicked By Blake Griffin

All I know is this fan better be counting his lucky stars that Zaza of all people was there to prevent him from getting his ass kicked. I’ve watched Blake Griffin for years now and have never seen him this pissed off during a game, especially towards a fan. There’s no doubt he looked like he was ready to throw hands and started making his way over to the fan to let him know his thoughts.

Based on everything I’ve read the fan was the instigator here obviously though it hasn’t been reported what he said. The fan did immediately get kicked out and was pointing and waving to other fans on his way out.

This does seem to be happening more this year with fans, especially those sitting courtside, getting into it with players. We’ve seen Durant and Steven Adams recently chirp back at fans. Like I said, I have no problem with this. I know people will get upset about that, but for the longest time fans think they can get away with saying anything to players. I don’t care how much money you have or anything like that if there’s a line crossed, you have the right to react. Every single human does that.

All I know is if Zaza wasn’t there to be an enforcer, Blake may have whopped this guys ass.

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