HBO Needs To Stop Blue-Balling Us

Game of Thrones is one of the few things in this dark, god-forsaken world that brings me actual joy. I’ve watched it all the way through, start to finish, 6 or 7 times. I’ve read the books. Right now I’m listening to the theme song to get me pumped to write this blog. I know the series like the back of my hand and I have predictions on predictions for season 8. Everything I predicted for season 7 came true. I’m giving you unnecessary details here because you need to understand the sheer joy I felt when the first GoT Season 8 teaser trailer came out.

Instant let-down. I mean, I definitely had chills. I get the ice and fire thing. But seriously? No footage from Season 8? Disappointing. But then, today: a ray of hope. A new promo!

Aaand it’s just celebrities talking about Game of Thrones. Like damn, I could do that! Come on, HBO. Give the people what they want! Just a little hit. Just a single frame of a single scene would help my withdrawals. I’m tired of the run around. It’s cute that T-Pain loves GoT, I love that for him. But I also don’t fucking care. Give me an actual trailer with actual plot or give me death. We are 4 months out from the premiere (actually, 31 weeks 5 days) and if I don’t see some dragons soon I’m going to start getting cold sweats.

Basically, HBO, if you’re not gonna give us the good stuff then I’d prefer if you could not post anything at all. Getting so close yet so far makes it more painful than getting nothing at all. Respect the throne or pay the iron price.

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