Derrick Rose Is Donating 1 Million Dollars To A Chicago Based After School Program


(Source) A bit of good news from the NBA today: Derrick Rose is donating $1 million to After School Matters, a Chicago-based non-profit that organizes after-school programs for teens.

From the press release:

“To have a strong community of people who believe in your potential can make all the difference in the world,” said Rose, a native of Englewood, who is a point guard for the Chicago Bulls. “So many people have invested in me and I want to do the same for Chicago’s teens.”

Rose is coming back from knee surgery this season and many question whether he’ll ever be the same player he was when he was drafted out of Memphis — but one thing about Rose has never really changed: He’s always been one of those players who talks about not forgetting where he came from and how much it means to him to be able to inspire his home city.




Thought this deserved mentioning. Yeah Derrick Rose has a lot of money and will continue to be very very wealthy, but still, 1 million dollars no matter how you slice it is a nice chunk of change. I don’t care if you have 500 million (D-Rose does not), it’s not every day that someone cuts a check for a cool mil to a charity that is a very noble cause. Good Karma all around, especially for knees (fingers crossed).




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