UberFacts Was Dishing Out Some Interesting Trivia On Twitter Last Night

One minute you’re learning Jellyfish evaporate in the sun because they are 98% water and the next we discover if you follow @Phiolbia you’ll acquire the AIDS virus. Whoda thunk it? I can’t speak for everyone, but I already knew for certain UberFacts is gay as shit and would like a slave. Thought it was common knowledge.

I guess when you have 6.7 MILLION followers it might be wise to beef up on that security. Especially when you average a factual Tweet every 5 minutes and all of a sudden you’re spouting out homophobic and racist material for a half hour straight. Not exactly a good look when a hacker with the sense of humor of a 6th grader can Swordfish their way directly into your livelihood.

OK, this one was decent:

PS – There is no God:

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