Alex "Cowboy" Oliveira Required 29 Stitches To Close The Giant Gash On His Forehead After UFC 231 On Saturday Night

Photo courtesy Andre Tadeu

You know what’s fucked up? I can watch these clips where GALLONS of blood are pouring out of Alex “Cowboy” Oliveira’s forehead, and be totally cool…

…but once I start seeing pictures where the blood’s all cleaned up and the cut is exposed…THAT’s when I start gettin’ a little squeamish. I don’t wanna see that forehead pussy. If you’re the same way, I’m sorry I hit you in the face with that picture at the top of the blog. Honestly, hand up – I apologize. I thought about doing a censored version and then putting the real one at the bottom, so you had the choice whether or not you wanted to see it, but honestly it doesn’t look TOO bad from this angle so I didn’t want to be the squeamish dork I just revealed myself to be. Back to the story, though…

Alex Oliveira’s night was far from over following his loss to Gunnar Nelson this past Saturday at UFC 231, because a cut he received during the finish of the fight looked like it pretty much needed Spider-Man to close it up…

…and in the end, it took TWENTY-NINE stitches to get the job done.

After that gruesome finish on Saturday, I wondered if that were the bloodiest I’d ever seen someone in the cage. Sure, we’ve seen bloody fights in the UFC – Jim Miller vs Joe Lauzon being the one brought up the most, probably, rightfully so – but have we even seen blood pour out the way it poured out of Oliveira? Everything happened so fast, I almost thought something was like, horribly, horribly, wrong. And it sorta was, with Oliveira’s forehead, but the way it hit like that scene from ‘The Shining’ made me think Gunni legitimately caved his skull in or something.

Thank god he didn’t, and that Oliveira was in good spirits afterwards, but sheesh. I’m startin’ to think this UFC shit is pretty violent.

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