Happy Birthday Larry Legend

Had to throw out a quick happy birthday shoutout today to the one and only Larry Bird. The Legend turns 62, which must make some of our older stoolies feel old as shit. Personally, one of the biggest regrets of my life is that I wasn’t born sooner so I could have seen prime Bird play. By the time I knew what the hell was going on, sadly he had already retired in 1992. A season in which he still average 20/9.6/6.8 on 46/40% splits at the age of 35 I might add.

If you’re an NBA fan you obviously know all about Bird and what he meant to the league, so I won’t rehash all that. I just wanted to give all of us on the internet an opportunity to come together and wish one of the baddest motherfuckers the league has ever seen a happy birthday. Oh, and it’s a great excuse to post this video which I’m letting you know now is VERY NSFW. Like, if your boss sees you watching this, you’re going to get fired. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, but at the same time it’s so worth it

Magic wasn’t lying, there will never, ever, ever be another Larry Bird. What a monster.

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