Mark Turgeon Has One Of The Best Excuses For Losing At Purdue

Who wants to tell Turgeon that Maryland had extra practices this year? Because I’d love to be in the room when he finds out the team went to Italy and therefore had extra practices to put in, oh, I don’t know, things like out of bounds plays.

He’s not wrong though. Maryland ranks in the 26th percentile nationally in terms of scoring on out of bounds plays. It’s pathetic. But, really it’s just another year with Turgeon doing Turgeon things. He wins just enough. He recruits extremely well. But, he’s awful at developing these guys. I still look at that team with Diamond Stone, Melo Trimble, Robert Carter, Jake Layman, etc. The fact they underachieved so poorly is something I just can’t shake.

I just love this excuse though. It’s so obscure and specific all wrapped into one. It’s something that he’s in charge of. It’s something that should have been put in right away. Just run a screen the screener out of a box set and call it a day.

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