George W. Bush Saying Good Bye To His Dad Will Leave You In a Puddle

Goddamn that’s so sad. From a guy who has had to unfortunately give that speech about his dad in front of a full room of people, I can tell you it’s the hardest thing a son will ever have to do. Bush has made impossible speeches about war and all sorts of politics, but I bet he’ll tell you this was the toughest one he’s ever done. You’ve got words written down on a piece of paper that you want to say so badly, but you physically can’t get them out without breaking down. You’ve got a million different memories of your dad and you are racing through your head as you realize you’re actually saying good bye for the final time. It’s not easy folks, especially in a giant cathedral in front of a shit ton of people. Dubbya handled this one perfectly and if seeing him get choked up doesn’t get you choked up then you frankly don’t have a soul. Politics aside, you’ve got to appreciate a father-son moment like this. Looks like he made a joke to Jeb as he sat down in classic Dubbya fashion. Love that guy.

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