Watching These Two Girls Get Flattened By A Ping Pong Table While Trying To Take A Selfie Will Bring A Smile To Your Face

Two girls having the time of their lives, trying to flex on the gram only to get flattened like Wylie Coyote under a ping pong table. I don’t know why it makes me so happy, but it does.  I’d say I hope they’re okay, but I really don’t care. They got what they deserved. I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that alcohol was involved because I can’t imagine any sober person would think this is a good idea. Look at how they were posing.  The one girl’s got her vajayjay out for the whole world to see.

I’m surprised stuff like this doesn’t happen more often. Chaps wrote a blog a few months ago about how there were over two-hundred-and-fifty selfie related deaths last year. I remember reading a story about a guy who traveled to that spot in Alaska where the bears hunt for salmon on the waterfall just so he could get a selfie with them. He almost got Timothy Treadwell’d in the process, but lived to tell the story. Obviously, this is a much lesser version of that, but the same lesson applies: if you think you can be embarrassed and/or die by taking the selfie, don’t take the selfie. Hopefully these girls learned their lesson.

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