Investigation: The NHL Doesn't Like That Tom Wilson Is On Fire So They Are Randomly Ejecting Him From Games Now

What a weird sequence of events. First I had to put on my journalist pants and start investigating the rumors that Stanley Cup champion Tom Wilson scored yet another goal, this time short handed. If true, it would give him 7 goals in 9 games this season. And as I was trying to verify it, something else happened that grabbed my attention:

Tom Wilson was EJECTED for what should have been a 2 minute call for interference at most. The ref announced it was a hit to the head, which obviously is not what happened at all.

So clearly there is a Tom Wilson conspiracy on our hands- Willy is a target for the refs and the league. They don’t like that he’s succeeding, they need their whipping boy, and they chose Tom Wilson. To give an ejection for that hit is just straight tomfoolery. You can hate Stanley Cup champion Tom Wilson all you want, but if you think that hit is an ejection-worthy hit, you are taking a dump on the entire sport of hockey. You cannot be a hockey fan and agree with that call. You just can’t. I will work diligently until the league apologizes for the ejection.

Alan May was NOT happy about the call:

I think a 2 minute interference penalty was warranted, but that’s about it. To eject him for that hit…woof. Bad look for the NHL and sports in general.

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