Wake Up With Jose Bautista Throwing His Bat To Mars After His Go-Ahead Shot In The ALDS

As much as I hate the Toronto Blue Jays, their fake fans, and Jose Bautista, I can't deny the fact that this was an unreal moment. The Rangers and Jays faced on in a very exciting game 5 of the 2015 ALDS, this game had some of the strangest moments in it too. You had the Russell Martin throwing the ball back to the pitcher, but it hit off of Shin-Soo Choo's bat and eventually scored a run which caused John Gibbons to say that the Jays were playing the game under protest, fans throwing beer onto the field, you had the benches clearing, and of course, you had arguably the best bat flip in baseball history.
This was one of those moments where the second Bautista got up to the plate you knew this ball was going over 400 feet, and that's exactly what happened. The Rangers made three straight errors before a sac flied scored Kevin Pillar to tie the game at 3. Bautista came up with runners on the corners and on a 1-1 pitch, Bautista had liftoff.
The millisecond he hit that ball he knew it was gone, Sam Dyson knew it was gone, Drake knew it was gone, I knew it was gone, everyone knew it was gone. As much as I hate Bautista, his reaction to the homer was AWESOME. Just frozen at the plate looking around before he decided to try and throw his bat to Vancouver. When I watched it live I honestly didn't know what would land first, the ball or the bat. The fans were going insane and when you couple that with the foghorn, idk how you could hear anything in that building.
Regardless if you like him or not, Bautista had a flare for the dramatics, coming up big in some large spots, he never hid from a big moment. This truly was one of the best baseball moments in recent history, and easily the best bat flip ever.

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