Phils Option Freddy Galvis To AAA For Some Dude Whose Wife Is Certified Playboy Smokestack

YAHOO – Freddy Galvis has been optioned to Triple-A. Galvis went 0-for-3 in Thursday’s game and has managed just two hits over his first 42 at-bats this season. The Phillies have announced infielder Reid Brignac be called up from the minors.

Freddy Galvis was batting .048 after last night’s loss. 2 hits in 42 at-bats. By far the worst hitter in the majors with a minimum of 25 plate appearances. GTFO of the majors and don’t come back until you start juicing again. Reid Brignac could be a blind, limbless chimp who uses his dick for a bat and it would produce better results. His wife being a Playboy model only helps his cause. For once Jen Utley and Heidi Hamels have a little competition in the henhouse.

Obligatory NSFW link to the nudes for the savages. Personally I wouldn’t want the mother of my children to be photographed spread eagle for the masses to enjoy, but then again I’m not a pro ball player. Play on, Reid. Play on.

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