Matt Duchene Just Scored The Most Ridiculous Goal In The History Of The National Hockey League

Are you fucking serious? There is only one organization which a goal like that could ever possibly be scored on and that is the Philadelphia Flyers. Duchene’s initial shot gets deflected up into the air off of Radko Gudas, Duchene is then able to bat the puck out of the air ON HIS BACK HAND and he tucks it away right under the crossbar. I know that there have been prettier goals scored in the NHL. But as far as circus shit goes? This one takes the cake. Like I said, a crazy bounce like that could only go in against one team in the league and Matt Duchene picked the perfect team to try it again. Dear lord.

And that was pretty much the way the entire game went tonight for the Flyers. I’ll have a whole recap on the game tomorrow but the Senators scored 4 goals tonight. The first one was a bouncing puck that ended up deflecting off a Flyers player and into the back of the net.

The 2nd goal was after a great deflection that hit the post and landed on Stolarz’s pads before he moved and it ended up dropping right to Brady Tkachuk to put it away.

The 3rd was a nice deflection from Brady, again, who is a certified Flyer killer already in his young career. 2 games against the Flyers and 4 goals.

And then obviously you saw the 4th goal at the top of this blog. It’s pretty hard to pin any of those goals against Stolarz. Maybe he wasn’t necessarily for that 2nd Tkachuk goal so you can put some blame on him for that one. But Stolarz actually played pretty well in net tonight for the Flyers and came up with some huge saves. Unfortunately, the national media will see that the Flyers blew a 3rd period lead and will immediately blame it on Flyers goaltending despite the fact that they didn’t watch a second of the game tonight and probably haven’t watched the Flyers at all this season. Fuck anybody who says this game was on goaltending. Stolarz played well. The Flyers had some jump in their step. The Senators got some crazy bounces going their way in the 3rd period and that’s just the way she goes sometimes.

Either way–I feel pretty guilty about this one because I’m pretty sure I tweeted this result into existence.

Tweet sent at 7:01pm. Flyers went into 3rd period with 3-1 lead. End up losing 4-3 in regulation. The good news is that I don’t even need to watch the games anymore to know how they end.


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