Selena Gomez Appears In Video For The First Time After Leaving Mental Health Facility

Let’s go Selena!! We haven’t heard from Selena since she checked herself into a mental health facility after allegedly having a breakdown. But here she is looking beautiful and strong in a new ad for her campaign with Puma. Selena has dealt with so much ridicule in her life, especially recently, and she has been very open with her struggles with depression and anxiety. She left the facility earlier this month and this is the first time we’ve seen video of her.

Selena’s last post on Instagram was September 23rd, where she talked about taking a social media break and said, “As much as I am grateful for the voice that social media gives each of us, I am equally grateful to be able to step back and live my life present to the moment I have been given. Kindness and encouragement only for a bit! Just remember- negative comments can hurt anybody’s feelings. Obvi.”

Obviously after that is when we heard about some kind of breakdown and Selena receiving treatment at a mental health care facility. It is awesome to see Selena smiling, back in action for a campaign meant to lift up women and emphasize women’s strength.

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