The Best Movies From Each State: Results For Louisiana, Voting For Maine

The results from the eighteenth installment of my totally normal and not insane 51 week study of the top three movies from each state are IN. Remember everyone got three votes, so the percentages reflect how many times they appeared on every individual vote. For the Pelican State, this is what y’all chose

3. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (39%)

2. 12 Years a Slave (50%)

1. The Waterboy (75%)

Here is the breakdown of how y’all voted:

I’m relatively surprised that “A Streetcar Named Desire” didn’t place, and maybe even more surprised that “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” did. Also, why is Brad Pitt in so many of these? 3 of the top 5? Is he a New Orleans connoisseur? Anyway, on to the Pine Tree state, Maine. Reminder, if you bitch about the options on the list, you owe me $5,000. If something you like isn’t on the list, write it in. Also, as always, if the embedded form doesn’t work just click here.


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