Calgary Coach Bill Peters (Sick Son Of A Bitch) Takes A Puck To The Face, Immediately Returns To Bench After Getting Stitched Up. Hockey Tough

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Think about the coaches in other major sports. Sure, sometimes you’ll get a football coach who decides to show how tough he is by pretending he’s not cold whilst wearing shorts in the middle of a snowstorm. But then you have other coaches (cough, cough, Urban, cough, cough) who will pretend to be hurt just so they don’t have to coach anymore when they’re losing. The same goes for some college basketball coaches as well. I mean we’ve always known that hockey players are the toughest athletes on the planet, but did you know that hockey coaches are the toughest coaches too? That’s probably pretty self-explanatory considering most hockey coaches are former players themselves. But if you ever needed any hard evidence of this phenomena, look no further than to Calgary Flames’ head coach Bill Peters who took a puck to the chin last night against Arizona.

One moment you’re waiting for your powerplay unit to get another goal up on the board to really blow this game wide open so you can coast to a win for the rest of the night. The next moment you’re taking a 6 oz disc of vulcanized rubber straight to the chiclets and now you’re gashed open and bleeding everywhere.

I don’t think anybody in the world would have blamed Bill Peters if he had just taken the rest of the night off from there. Head to the locker room, get stitched up, call it a night. I can’t think of a coach in any other sport who would feel the need to get back out there for the rest of the game. But Bill Peters is a hockey coach. And he was raised hockey tough. So he gets a few stitches in his face and he’s right back out there for the next shift.

What a legend. And that definitely sets the standard right there. You think anyone on the Flames can ever take a shift off anymore after getting a wittle tiny scratch or a boo-boo? Shit no. If the coach comes right back out after getting stitched up, you can bet your ass the players better glue themselves up right there on the bench. Flames are about to be the most savage team in the NHL and it’s all because HCBP is a sick son of a bitch who feels no pain. Think you’d ever see something like that out of an NBA coach? Get real.


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