It's The Colt McCoy Show Now

This Redskins season has been so, so weird, and it has no signs of slowing down. From losing Guice in the preseason, to bringing in ADAP and watching him go off, to the wild bend but don’t break defense, to Alex Smith leading the team to a first place record in the NFC East, nothing about this season has made a lick of sense, but it’s been nothing short of entertaining, until today.

Today sucked. Watching Alex go down like that sucked. The Skins invested a lot in him, mostly for his ability to win games in spite of the players around him, and he did it exceptionally well. No true #1 WR, Chris Thompson missing a bunch of games, a depleted Oline, Alex Smith found ways to win games (shout out to the defense as well obviously). And now he’s in surgery for a broken Tibia and Fibula. It SUCKS.

So now it’s the Colt McCoy show. I love Colt. I’ve always loved Colt. He’s been a career backup, but I’ll tell you what, when I think of my favorite games I’ve watched, that Monday night game vs the Cowboys ranks high up there. And there’s no doubt he can do it again. He’s a gamer. And I have no doubt he can step in and lead the team.

It’s not optimal to lose Alex Smith. But I’m not ready to say the season is over because of it. I have full faith in Colt and I expect him to step in and play at a high level. This is a playoff-bound team, and the Colt is running at full steam. All aboard the Colt Train, folks. First stop: Dallas, Texas. See you on Thanksgiving.

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