Barstool Philly State Of The Union: LIVE Press Conference Tomorrow Night At 8:00

Obviously by now you know the news that Maurice will be leaving Barstool at the end of the week. First off, I (and you should, too) thank him for everything he has done. Mo single handily brought Barstool Philly from the ashes to where it is today. The man blogged his dick off for 3+ years and deserves to be recognized for his efforts. This job IS NOT easy, and he came in and gave 100% every single day. Mo’s not only a great writer but a better person, and he will surely be missed.

Starting Monday I’ll be taking over the reigns here at Barstool Philly, and I truly appreciate Pres for the opportunity. I’m guessing things are going to be hectic here this week and I could write a novel for everything that needs to be said. The best way to go about this transition is to have a live press conference tomorrow night at 8:00 once the dust settles a bit. I’ll go through everything in detail for what we need to do going forward and then open the floor to any questions you guys want to ask, you know, how a real press conference is supposed to be done. I imagine it having the effect of a FDR Fireside Chat, just with more dick jokes and less Polio.

But seriously, there are going to be some changes for (hopefully) the betterment of BS Philly and I’m going to need help. Topics to be discussed: Getting a #2 guy and other writers, PHILLY TIPS, Interns, pasta, DOMINATING the shore this Summer, the Jews, and pretty much anything else you want. Tweet at either myself @SmittyBarstool or our Philly Camera Guy @BarstoolFranco with the #BSPhilly hashtag if you have a question or email in Until then it’ll be business as usual on the site.

Let’s take this fucker to the next level. #VivaLaPhilly

PS – Still hold onto those #PaySmitty shirts. The most expensive jizrags ever to hit the market may get the Indiana Jones treatment one day and belong in a museum.

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