The National Guard Overpaid Troops On Deployment And Now Those Mother Fuckers Are Trying To Make Them Pay It Back

DAVENPORT, Iowa — Hundreds of Iowa National Guard soldiers have been told they were overpaid after a year-long deployment to the Middle East and that they must make plans to repay the money.

The 248th Aviation Support Battalion held a homecoming ceremony on Nov. 2 to celebrate returning from Kuwait and Iraq. The next day, about 366 of the battalion’s 400 soldiers were informed of the money issue, The Quad-City Times reported .

The overpayments range from $2 to $4,500, according to Lt. Col. Michael Wunn, a spokesman for the Iowa National Guard. The amounts vary based on a soldier’s rank, years of service, entitlements and the duration of the payment error.

These types of stories are such bullshit. These people headed over to the Middle East to do a deployment. They stopped their lives and went to serve. Now, the government wants them to pay back the money.

When you’re a junior troop, you have no fucking idea what you’re supposed to be paid. You dont know how to do taxes, combat pay, danger pay, and your insurance. You just dont. So, you ask your buddy to your left of your right. If their pay is the same, you assume that’s what you should get.

When you come home, you go to strip clubs, buy Mustangs, and booze. It’s a tradition like no other, no disrespect to Rose Bowl.

The military should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wave the overages when it’s unit wide. Always. When the government has spent 5.6 trillion dollars on the wars, they can find what these soldiers were overpaid underneath some of the million dollar ashtrays that are in the cushions of the billion dollar couches.

There’s no fucking way the military members should have to give back a dime. Not one single cent.

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