Guess Who's The #1 Ranked Mario Kart 64 Player In The World?

Everyone in the world was born to be the best at something. Picasso paints. Babe Ruth hits home runs. I Kart. 48 up and 48 down last night. He came, he saw, he conquered. Had to beat the ladies n00bs off with a stick. Really don’t know what else I have to do to prove my worth where it matters most in life aka the imaginary world of video games. You better believe I was victory drinking out of that fun sized Stanley Cup for the rest of the night. And, yes, Mario Kart makes you sweat. Bad.

All honesty thanks to everyone who came out last night. Good times. Thanks to Troegs brew and Sto’s bar between 2nd and 3rd on Market for setting it up. It actually went so well we’re going to set up an all day Mario Kart/Goldeneye tournament on an upcoming Saturday. Can’t wait.

PS – Happy brows like you read about.

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