Kim Davis Gets Voted Out Of Office The Same Day That Three Gay People Get Voted In

Source - Kim Davis lost in her re-election bid for the Rowan County (Kentucky) clerkship, according to the Lexington Herald Leader and local outlets on Tuesday.

Davis lost to Democratic challenger Elwood Caudill Jr. by about 700 votes. Davis sparked controversy after engaging in a legal battle when she refused to provide a marriage license to a gay couple in 2015 despite Kentucky having legalized gay marriage. Stirring considerable backlash, Davis cited her refusal as being a result of personal religious obligations. 

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Kim Davis’s run as America’s favorite homophobe has finally come to an end. For those of you who don’t know, Kim burst onto the political scene in 2015 for refusing to issue a marriage licenses to same sex couples in 2015. She managed to keep her seat as Rowan County Town Clerk until last night, when she was ousted by Democratic challenger Elwood Caudill Jr.

As a longtime Kim hater, I thought I’d be happy about the whole situation, but to be honest I’m kind of sad. Kim Davis is a once in a life time character. I mean the woman hated handing out marriage licenses SO MUCH that she went to jail for it. You just don’t see that kind of hatred anymore. She’s also the first woman in history to model her personal style after Michelle Duggar and Andrea Yates, so in a sense we’re losing an icon. You can stop playing the music now.

The good news is that even though Kim got voted out, a bunch (three) of gay people were voted in. Jared Polis, Sharis Davids, and Chris Pappas. You can read more about them here.

The long and short of it is that gay people in New Hampshire, Kansas, and Colorado are officially on the political map. Whether or not they live up to voters expectations has yet to be seen, but it’s still kind of cool. Suck on that, Kim Davis.

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