Pete Davidson Clowns Navy Seal Congressional Candidate As "Porno Hitman" Because He Lost His Eye In Afghanistan

Get it? He lost his eye and nearly his entire vision while serving in a war. LOL

I get it. Politics are probably a little more personal now than at any time in the last 50 years but god damn. I’m not an easily offended dude and I don’t even think it’s offensive. I just think it’s dumb. There’s so much other shit to mock than a Navy Seal who lost his eye because of an IED in Afganistan. If they are friends, cool. If not, man. I mean, none of my pals would ever mock me because I didn’t duck below a window. I know that for sure. I have no idea what Dan’s politics are and that doesn’t matter much to me right now. This dude’s top google searches are going to be the results of a joke about him losing his eye. Here’s how that happened.

On Dan’s third deployment in 2012, his life changed forever. After six months of combat operations, Dan was hit by an IED blast during a mission in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He was evacuated and awoke from his medically induced coma learning that his right eye had been destroyed in the blast and his left eye was still present, but badly damaged. Dan was completely blind and the doctors did not believe he would ever see again. Tara stood by him every day and night, keeping faith and praying he would see again. After several difficult surgeries, he eventually regained sight in his left eye, a miracle according to the head surgeon. Dan refused to quit and went on to deploy twice more, first back to the Middle East in 2014 and then South Korea in 2016.

Dan was medically retired in September of 2016, after ten years in the SEAL Teams. He left service with two Bronze Stars (one with Valor), the Purple Heart, and the Navy Commendation Medal with Valor, among many other recognitions. Soon after, Dan completed his Master in Public Administration at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. In September of this year, he was back in Houston, volunteering for days on end in areas of Katy devastated by Hurricane Harvey. He saw first-hand the unthinkable losses that his neighbors suffered, but he also saw Texan grit and resilience. He wanted to do more, and this November Dan and Tara decided that the best way to serve the people of Texas would be in elected office.

The most laughable thing about the entire episode with ole Butthole Eyes is that he mocks war and people who are injured there and then turns into Mr. Sincerity when talkin about his breakup that no one with a brain actually gives a fuck about.


(I do think Dan should get a cooler eyepatch. Plain black is just asking for pirate jokes)

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