Ben And Jerry's Releases A New Anti-Trump Ice Cream Called "Pecan Resist"

Author’s note: the following is meant to be an ice cream blog, not a political blog. 

Ah, that’ll show ‘em. Really hitting the administration where it hurts. Just when the Donald thought it was safe to check the freezer at his local bodega… BOOM! Ben & Jerry’s delivers the knockout punch, the secret potion that will cripple our president’s chances of a 2020 reelection. An army of protestors, marching down the streets brandishing their pints and spoons, wearing politically-correct chocolate residue at the corners of their mouths.

Gotta believe that Trump is up in the White House tearing his hair out as his opponents gain momentum/weight. Are you kidding me?

Looks like a scooped cup of a shit your dog took after eating a bunch of household items.

Ignoring the fact that they spelled “weird” wrong, which is one of the worst words to misspell, Blue Bell gets it. And this was a big wakeup call for me. I don’t rip my bong, float to my local bodega, and spend 45 minutes staring into the freezer to contemplate politics; I go there to escape from the misery of my day. Hey Ben & Jerry’s, stick to helping sorority sisters get through crying fits brought on by shitty, cheating boyfriends. You used to be one of my favorites. Guess I’m a Haagen Dazs guy now.

PS- this is basically “NY Super Fudge Chunk” with a different label. Lazy.

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