Tiger vs Phil $9M Match Will Be $19.99 And Start At 3pm The Day After Thanksgiving

Alright the details for this are starting to become clear. No tickets will be sold, it’s $19.99 to order, it’ll start at 3pm est which means it’ll go until 7 or so, and it’ll be held at the exclusive and highly-praised Shadow Creek Golf Course in Vegas the day after Thanksgiving. The hype train has been a true rollercoaster for this thing. At first, people were jacked up. Yeah it’s 15 years too late but it’s still Tiger fucking Woods and Phil Mickelson playing 1 v 1 for 9 MILLION dollars. Phil won a tournament; Tiger threatened in majors; the chirping picked up.

Tiger Woods won (I love writing this).

But then the Ryder Cup happened. Ever since, media folk left and right have been shitting on this match. They’ve been down on it for the fact that it’s PPV, that there are no tickets, that Phil and Tiger both sucked in Paris, and that this is happening 15 years too late.

All of those things are true and guess what? This will still be awesome. What the hell else are you going to do in the middle of the day after Thanksgiving? You send the wife or girlfriend out Black Friday shopping, get your golf buddies together, split the damn $20 cost, load up on beers and watch Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, and their caddies mic’d up for 4 straight hours playing HIGH STAKES golf for nearly 10x what they play for week in and week out on the PGA Tour.

I’d pay $20 to watch Tiger Woods go fucking grocery shopping. You’re damn right I’m going to pay $20 to watch him beat up on Phil Mickelson at Shadow Creek.

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