Three Years Ago Today, Irish Fighter Aisling Daly Walked Out To "Zombie" By The Cranberries In Dublin, Birthing One Of MMA's Greatest Entrances Ever

Aisling Daly made her way to the octagon for her final fight three years ago today, in her home of Dublin, Ireland, and as you could tell from crowd’s response to her…she’s sort of a big deal.

Daly, training with head coach John Kavanagh, was an instrumental woman in pioneering mixed martial arts in Ireland, and all across Eurpoe, which you can hear a little more about from the commentary in the clip above. Basically, though, getting to fight one last time, her twenty-second bout as a professional, at home, and after seeing so much of what she had been trying to build for nearly a decade come to fruition that night, it was just a once in a lifetime moment. Something we’ll never see anything like, ever again. And all of that was said with so few words by the folk in attendance that night, by just belting out The Cranberries’ classic tune “Zombie” at the top of their lungs in support for their fellow countrywoman.

Daly won the fight via unanimous decision.

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