Tuesday Afternoon NBA Time Waster: Best Plays Of Week 1

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By now, you are starting to lose your shit a little bit waiting for freedom so you can enjoy yourself and watch the three NBA games that are on tonight. That or the World Series. If you’re a stoolie in New England this may have been the longest Tuesday in the history of days, and for that I want to commend you for making it this far, and you can now let me take it from here and help you get to quittin’ time.

Given today’s festivities, I wanted to find the full ceremony of when the 2008 Celtics threw out the first pitch at Fenway, but the internet was a disaster back then and I couldn’t find the whole thing. Honestly one of few times the internet has let me, and you down. But that’s OK, there are plenty of things to use so for today, given how crazy the first week in the NBA was, maybe you forgot all that happened. Every single damn night it’s more and more ridiculous and we’re just 7 days in. Bad time to be the haters and losers who say the NBA regular season is useless. Oh yeah? Well it’s about to take up the last chunk of your day so watch your mouth.

So hit play, relax, and watch some of the awesome plays we’re gotten so far in the 2018-19 season. You earned it

Enjoy the games tonight everyone, and just know that when you are at work tomorrow hung over as shit and hating your life, I’ll be here tomorrow afternoon to help make things a little easier before we prepare for Game 2/NBA games.

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