Mother Of The Year In India Fails To Get a Seat On a Train With Her Baby So Naturally She Decided To Sit Outside The Train Cars On The Railing For The Whole Ride

Daily Mail

This shocking video shows a mother cradling a baby while perched between two speeding train carriages.

The woman can be seen sitting on the railway couplings with one hand around the child and the other hanging on to the train, with the ground speeding by underneath.

Onlookers said the woman had failed to get a seat inside the carriages while travelling in Bihar, India. One local said: ‘The woman had asked for a seat but the passengers who were able to secure the seat first refused to give it to her.’ There is nothing to stop the woman, or her baby, from falling directly onto the tracks.

Before we get into the craziness of this woman we have to talk about her balancing skills. From my quick research on the video (reading the article) it appears she did not fall off the train and was completely fine somehow. That is truly impressive to avoid death there. Madden balance, ball-handling, and strength skills are clearly at 100, although the jury is still out on agility. Next, who the fuck is filming this and not helping? Hey guys there’s a mother outside on the fucking connector piece of two train cars and could die at literally any instant with her child if we hit a bump. But yeah let me film this shit real quick and stare at her from inside the train because life is all about clicks these days and maybe I can tag my Soundcloud and blow that shit up! Biggest asshole on the planet is that guy.

Next let’s talk about commuting. I do it everyday on a fucking BUS, which door to door takes two hours. There’s no train near my town so it’s NJ Transit or bust. There is only one job I would do that for everyday and it’s this one. Sometimes when the bus is completely full, the driver will let people stand for the whole ride in desperation to getting to the city. It looks horrible and I would rather just wait another 20 minutes to sit than do that. In fact I’m so against standing for that ride home that I did not move from my seat as the ceiling started dripping rain water onto my pants for the last half hour. I had nowhere to go and had to just take it. It was the perfect microcosm to how shitty my weekend was. Well, this woman took that whole concept to the next level by instead risking her child’s life and her own in the process because there were no spots. Do I agree with her decision? No, risking your child’s life is probably more important than making a train. But, do I relate with her? Sure do.

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