Carl Banks Says That Geno Smith Lost His Giants Playbook For All Of Last Season

WFAN- Geno Smith apparently fumbled away his playbook last season with the Giants. In an interview with WFAN’s Joe Benigno and Evan Roberts on Friday, Giants great Carl Banks revealed that the quarterback lost his playbook during training camp and went the entire season without it.

Saying “I’m going to say something I shouldn’t say, but I’m saying it anyway,” Banks made the comments while discussing Smith’s tweet Friday that former Giants coach Ben McAdoo deserves an apology for the backlash over his benching of Eli Manning last season. McAdoo inserted Smith into the lineup and was fired soon after.

“Geno, you should apologize to your former teammates since you lost your playbook for a whole year,” said Banks, the Giants’ radio color analyst. “One hundred percent, didn’t have his playbook for a whole year and tried to fool everybody. Everybody knew because they can check whether or not you’re looking at your plays with these iPads.”

Banks said Smith could have asked for a new playbook but that would’ve required him admitting his embarrassing blunder. “If anything would’ve happened to Eli Manning, you wouldn’t have known what the hell was going on for the whole year,” Banks said.

BAHAHAHAHAHA. Stories like this are why Geno Smith’s tweet from this morning never truly bothered me. While Geno may have been right about Ben McAdoo not deserving all of the blame for the offensive nightmare of last season, it is still Geno fucking Smith we are talking about. A walking, talking, clipboard holding punchline (no pun intended) that the universe always autocorrects into taking an L. It doesn’t matter if he is getting knocked the fuck out by a teammate, calling out Rex Ryan out of the blue followed by Rex saying he has a marshmallow chin, or word getting out that he missed a team meeting on the West Coast because he didn’t account for the 3-hour time difference. Geno has been a stooge forever and a content goldmine for smut blogs like ours, which is probably a good reason when he has been looking up at another QB on the depth chart for years now.

That being said, you almost have to respect Geno for snaking it and acting like he actually had his playbook the entire time. You can’t teach that type of moxie. Despite being old as hell, I still have nightmares that I am going to a class in high school that I lost the books for months ago and waking up in a panic because I have no idea what is going on. Meanwhile, Geno was living that life acting slick, not knowing that the Giants have some Parental Controls on all his shit, just waiting for him to admit that he either lost his playbook or just didn’t care to look at it. Instead he was just going to rely on his God given ability and be absolutely mediocre. Peak Geno Smith. Considering Ben McAdoo benched a legendary player so Geno could get a start, I’d say that McAdoo deserves an apology from Geno. I’d also say that we should throw Geno’s face on a light blue shirt with a red clown nose in the middle and go about our day. But to be honest, he isn’t even worth the effort.

Now lets see what one of Geno’s former teammates with both the Jets and Giants thought about his tweet.

When Black Cloud Brandon Marshall says you have no class, you know you done fucked up.

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