14) The Definitive List Of Scumbag Yankee Fans

Over the last couple seasons I have taken it upon myself to expose to the world just how fucking awful Yankees fans were. In any given broadcast, when they cut to the crowd there’s no less that 2 dozen scumbag trashbag losers. They range from the fat faced goombas with backwards hats, unbuttoned jerseys, and gold chains, to the old Jewish man with a button up Brooks Brothers shirt under his jersey with a name on the back, to just flat out creatures who have no business being a part of a modern society. People say “KFC you can do this at any ballpark!” and it’s just NOT true. Take one look at the NWA guy or the dude fist pumping in the powder blue shorts. You can’t get that at Wawa. You can’t get that anywhere else on earth. Only one place. 161st and River.

Tonight, game 4 2018 ALDS, was a special moment where literally every single crowd shot had another asshole who needed to be exposed to the world. I felt like a missionary, spreading the Good Word with every tweet I sent. I truly feel that this is the greatest compilation of Yankee scumbags ever assembled in one night. And on an elimination night, no less! Goodnight da lights. Cuncel Da Yankees.

P.S. Shout out to the NWA guy for being the sparkplug that kicked this thing off tonight. Greatest leadoff hitter since Rickey Henderson. I still can’t believe that dude is real life

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