The Penguins Released Their New Third Jerseys And They Kind Of Stink

So the Pittsburgh Penguins released their new third jerseys today and I got to be honest, I’m not too sure how I feel about them, they kind of stink. The team tweeted out a video today with the new jerseys and so did defenseman Kris Letang, who tweeted out a picture with him in the jersey.

I have liked a majority of the new third jerseys that have been released this offseason. Actually, I have liked all of them besides the Jets. But I’m really not too sure how I feel about this. I’m not really a fan of them. I feel like they kind of look like a yellow practice jersey. I mean, I guess the sleeves aren’t bad. But the overall jersey kind of stinks.

My biggest concern is the amount of yellow. I hated the Bruins old third jerseys with the gold and the bear that looks like its taking a shit and I don’t mind the Predators home jerseys, but from the looks of things they aren’t going to overdue the yellow here. Yellow gloves would be a huge force. Would definitely rather see black buckets as well.

Lucky for the Penguins, both their home and away jerseys are awesome, so hopefully they aren’t spotted in these yellow practice jerseys too often. And who knows, Geno and Sid can make anything look good when they are blowing by you. So maybe the Pens can actually pull this off, but I doubt it.

My overall rating? C-

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