Don't You Dare Tell John Wall He Can't Have Fun

This is a tough one because I think John Wall has a point. It always bothers me when people on the internet get on athletes for living life and enjoying themselves on their own time. Like when people killed Harden for staying on brand and going to the strip club after getting eliminated, or how the Patriots were dancing after losing the Super Bowl. Fans have this weird mentality where they expect professional athletes to do nothing but work on their craft and play video games or something. Well don’t bring that noise to John Wall. Does this look like a guy that isn’t going to enjoy the shit out of his awesome life?

Exactly. And look, think of your own life. While I know you are not a professional athlete making millions, at the end of the day that’s just his job. Let’s say you bomb a presentation, or your TPS reports keep having issues, are you staying inside working on that to improve? Hell no, the second the clock hits quitting time you’re off to get loaded and forget about your day job. Why can’t Wall be any different? I’m a firm believer that you can do whatever you want outside of work as long as it doesn’t compromise your production. Like if you are hung over and you WFH or something, you work harder so that you don’t mess anything up and lose that privilege. If you think a 28 year old John Wall isn’t going to take full advantage of his situation in life you are out of your mind.

However, I also get why there may be Wizards fans out there that don’t love this. You see, it’s common knowledge that John Wall tends to fade as the game goes along. Last year in the fourth quarter he averaged 37/32% splits. Sure you could argue this was mostly due to WSH having no other options outside of Wall/Beal and seeing as he goes 100 mph at all times that he was just tired. That’s most likely the scenario, but he’s certainly not getting any younger, and anyone will tell you as you get older it gets harder and harder for your body to recover from a night out. So while I agree with Wall’s overall point, that he should be able to do whatever he wants when his basketball commitment is over, it also falls on deaf ears the more he fades when the games matter most in crunch time.

You know what, maybe that’s why the Wizards signed Dwight. He’s going to ask Wall to tag along all the time, and maybe Wall will just give up and become a homebody because nobody wants to hang out with Dwight. That dude sucks. You have to think outside of the box nowadays in the NBA, and you can’t convince me that wasn’t a factor.

So I say let John Wall party all he wants. Some of us enjoy not having to worry about the Wizards.

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