Wake Up With Rickey Henderson Going Upper Tank At Yankee Stadium

Oh Rickey, what a joy he was. Poppin chains, two steppin, stealing bags, and hitting dongs, that is what he did. I knew Rickey had pop, that is no secret. I didn’t know he had pop like this though. I know it’s old Yankee Stadium and they had some weird jet stream that took balls out, but a little guy like Rickey hitting it to the upper deck? Sheesh. That was impressive by Rick.

Also, can we talk about the attendance here? What is going on in left and left center? Was there a bees nest? Construction? Like honestly, what the hell is that? It looks like Camden Yards on a Tuesday. There is that one group of people next to the foul pole, but then there is not another soul in the outfield. I googled the game and the date to try and see what happened, but nothing showed up. I need Frank The Tank or someone to dig deeper and help me out here. Even in the upper deck there is no one home, something strange is going on here.


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