UFC Allegedly Tells Nate Diaz That Dustin Poirier Doesn't Want To Fight Him At 165lbs, So Diaz Says He Isn't Gonna Fight At UFC 230, But Then Dustin Poirier Says What The UFC Said To Nate Diaz Isn't True, So The Fight May Be Still On

Alright, so if you’re not all caught up on the Nate Diaz/Dustin Poirier/UFC 230 drama, I literally broke it ALLLLLLL down yesterday in a behemoth of a blog. That can be found below.

TL;DR – Nate Diaz vs Dustin Poirier was booked as the co-main event for UFC 230 when no main event was announced, as more and more time has passed without a main event announced, a thought of bumping that up ten pounds and making it for an inaugural 165lb UFC Championship surfaced. This is a weight class fans and fighters have wanted to see in the company for a while now (due to the big jump from Lightweight/155 to Welterweight/170), and a fight fans would gladly watch as a five-round main event at Madison Square Garden. Almost two months have gone by, we still do not have a main event for UFC 230, and Nate Diaz is starting to feel disrespected by the UFC, who are currently refusing to give in to this easy cop-out that’d make fight fans very happy. It’s all bizarre, but basically, Nate Diaz and Dustin Poirier have found a brilliant way to build hype/anticipation for their fight via social media, whether intentional or not (some of it is obviously intentional, like the other night’s announcement of this as the main event which turned out to be – basically – a mutiny), and are trying to force the UFC’s hand here.

It’s all complicated as fuck, hence my El Presidente-inspired title (shoutout Blogger School), but this exchange is the latest. I don’t even know what I can add, really, but obviously you have to question whether or not the UFC ever told Nate Diaz that Poirier didn’t want to fight him at 165lbs. I’d assume they didn’t, as there’s no reason Poirier wouldn’t want this fight to be for a championship and in a main event slot (other than him giving up potentially more size to Diaz, as a former featherweight), and that Nate was just tweeting that in attempt to continue pressuring the UFC.

We’ve reached the point now where I’m just exhausted with every side of this one, with the UFC, with Diaz, with everybody. Just book it in the main event or book a main event. One or the other, JUST so we could all move on! Tell ya this, though – every main event they’re even thinking about booking is being compared to this fight directly, and I promise ya it’s going to be difficult to find one more favorable.

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