Nine Days Before The Fight Of His Life, Conor McGregor Is Donating Large Sums Of Money To Those In Need

When you strip him of his flashiness, his brashness, and his incessant need to cause violence in the UFC octagon, I can truthfully say that I am proud to call myself a fan of the human being that Conor McGregor is. On the surface, you probably wouldn’t imagine the Notorious to be the sympathetic humanitarian he is, but that’s just because McGregor never seeks recognition for his charitable donations. A lot of them can be very easily dug up, however, like the €50,000 he donated to provide help to Ireland’s homeless problem two years ago, before the Mayweather fight. Or when he was honored in New York City for helping raise over €800,000 for Irish Children’s Hospitals. Even in his newest business venture – the whiskey business (shoutout Proper No. Twelve, a Proper whiskey for all!) – a portion of the proceeds from every bottle sold will go directly to the first responders running into burning buildings, and situations most are running away from.

So with the knowledge of the two-weight world champion’s past, I wasn’t surprised in the slightest bit when I laid eyes on the above tweet today, where the mother of Bru McCullough, an Irish boy in need of some pretty serious medical help, shared the name of the man that made an anonymous €10,000 donation to her last night.

While I’m proud to be on #TeamMcGregor every day, I’m damn proud to be on #TeamMcGregor on days like today. What an absolute class act our king is.

If you’d like to donate to help Bru, which I’m sure the Champ would love, I’ve shared the link below. Hopefully that little boy is able to get all of the help he needs.




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