Kate Upton Says She Won't Pose Nude Because We're All Big Meanies




Q – Is your voice also the reason why you have stayed away from being photographed naked? Being shot nude by great fashion photographers is very common among famous models like Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, and Lara Stone.

A – For me those photos are art. Your body is art, your body is beautiful, and to be photographed in that way is amazing and it’s received in a very positive way. But with social media and the Internet and not so great blogs and the attention like that, I don’t think that my pictures would be received in the way that I’d want them to be received. That’s why I’ve stayed away from them. I really appreciate those photos and I think those women are beautiful, but I think social media and the Internet has prevented me from putting myself out there like that.




Live look at the internet vs Kate Upton




Rattling that cage Kate. So rattled. And to be honest, I feel like you’re specifically talking about Barstool and it hurts. I’m not WhiteSoxDave, I didn’t call you a 6 and pretend that you’re not attractive. All I asked was for you to leave Justin Verlander alone for the sake of Detroit. That’s all. It’s not even for my own well being. If the Tigers lose I’ll still sleep at night. But I feel bad for Detroit and I just think you’ve put a hex on Verlander, and that you’re ruining his life and career and you’re a borderline black magic witch. None of that is meant to be hurtful. Just facts.



But it’s America, you don’t want to pose nude that’s your right, nothing I or the internet can do about it.








How about the hypocrisy of Kate Upton here? Blogs and social media MADE you a superstar, and now you’re going to say it’s all gross and bad and icky? Get the fuck out of here.

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