37) Lena Dunham Says "I'm Not That Bad"

Indiewire - “Girls” has come and gone, but Lena Dunham is here to stay. The controversial actor/writer/director speaks about her new show “Camping” in a Rolling Stone interview, getting candid after having it pointed out that her character on the upcoming HBO drama is much more private than she is: “She is, and I feel like I learned from watching her that there’s a way of going about this fame thing that’s less about proving [something],” she says. “I tend to go around being, ‘Guys, I’m really not as bad as everybody thinks I am!’ And it seems her philosophy is, ‘I don’t need everybody to acknowledge my whole deal because I know what my deal is.’” “It’s the only way I know how to process,” she says of injecting her own life into her work. “It almost feels like things haven’t happened to me until they’ve happened to another character before my eyes.” “It’s the only way I know how to process,” she says of injecting her own life into her work. “It almost feels like things haven’t happened to me until they’ve happened to another character before my eyes.”

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Allow me to reintroduce myself! My name is KFC and this blog has gone a little too long without keeping a few things in check. Namely Lena Dunham.

Lena, lets talk for a second. My name is Kevin. I’ve spent the last year in hibernation. I was hated by the entire internet, too. I even turned into a bag of milk. Still currently am. Gonna have to work on that once we get this blog thing flowing again. I actually walked a mile in your shoes. And let me tell you something – I learned a lot. Namely that when everyone is saying you suck and you’re fighting against the current telling them you dont, guess what? You’re wrong. You suck. Theres a reason why fucking every single person is saying something about you. Its probably because you earned that rep.

So you can spare me with the whole “I’m not that bad!” shtick. You are. You’re a dog abandoning bag of milk who lies about everything from sexual assault to fake transphobic conversations. You spent your entire existence championing the cause of sexual assault victims only to turn around and accuse a victim of lying simply because the suspect was your friend.  You’re a clickbait queen ranging everywhere from the annoying: “serving sushi in the cafeteria is appropriation” to the appalling: “I wish I had an abortion”. Remember that time she got mad that Odell Beckham Jr, a person who didnt even know her, wasnt pals with her at the Met Gala? That was weird. You know what was also weird? When she WROTE A MEMIOR ABOUT TOUCHING HER SISTER’S VAGINA.

Look at that resume! Look at that laundry list. Of course you’re “that bad!” That stuff that falls anywhere from inflammatory to downright despicable and then she turns around and wonders why she has a reputation. Thats not how this shit works. You dont get to be a millionaire actor that says whatever she wants at all times and be surprised when there’s blowback. Shes just as much of a goddam loudmouth as the same people she rails against. Its equal, but opposite. And she wants to just be liked. Fuck outta here. There’s good guys and theres bad guys and when you’re as entitled and outspoken as she is, you’re one of the bad guys. Face it, Lena. We’re bad guys. Probably always will be. Sooner you realize it, the sooner you give up, the better.

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