The Man is Cracking Down on Bills Mafia. #RESIST

SourceBuffalo Bills’ fans headed to the game on Sunday will have to deal with new rules to curb excessive drinking prior to games, a new ticket policy and traffic changes. …

Erie County Sheriff’s deputies will be looking to eliminate excessive consumption of alcohol and checking for glass bottles. They are also reminding fans that they need to adhere to the “Fan Code of Conduct”, which also includes the parking lots. Table slamming will not be permitted and those who violate the rule will be ejected and could face criminal charges.

So this is what it’s come down to. Fascism has come to Western New York. The last expression of true liberty – of a free people exercising their right to do what they choose with their bodies, their lives and their portable, folding, polyvinyl chloride property – is being taken away by the authorities.

Think about that for a second. These jackbooted thugs from the Nanny State are trying to take away the right of Bills fans to do this:

What’s next? Are they going to ban Fingerblasting, forcryingoutloud?

Is this what our forefathers bled the ground red at Lexington and Concord? To replace one tyrant 3,000 miles away with 3,000 tyrants one mile away from Orchard Park? I’m promising you that if my brothers and sisters in the Bills Mafia don’t stand their ground now, this will be just the first step. Next will come breathalyzer tests. Then a total ban on drinking. Then no tables at all. Then Bills Mafia will just become outlawed altogether.

That’s how fascists always operate. They start small. They get the camel’s nose in the tent, so to speak. They get you accepting the loss of your fundamental freedoms one tiny increment at a time until you have nothing left. Which is why the line has to be drawn here. Week 2, vs. the Chargers. This far, no further. This is a situation that calls for nothing less than a mass, tailgate-wide, Gandhi-like peaceful demonstrations of civil disobedience. The parking lots must be filled with the shattered remains of tables the way Les Miserables filled the streets of Paris with barricades as they rose up against the monarchy. Show the government you will not be oppressed. You will not go quietly into the night. You will not vanish without slamming your drunken asses down upon your tables like freemen.

Mostly, as you get to the tailgate Sunday, just remember that first they came for the table slammers, and I did not speak out, because I was not a table slammer. Then they came for the parking lot blowie givers, and I did not speak out, because I did not get parking lot blowies. Next they came for the ones drinking butt crack vodka luges, and I did not speak out, because I did not drink butt crack vodka luges. And by the time they came for the regular drunks, there was no one left to speak for me.


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