Sorry, Miranda! In A Tremendous Step Forward For Men, Governor Cuomo DEMOLISHES Cynthia Nixon In NY Democratic Primary

NY Times- Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo took a decisive step toward a third term on Thursday, quelling a liberal rebellion by turning aside the insurgent challenge of Cynthia Nixon to claim the Democratic nomination in New York.

Mr. Cuomo had marshaled the support of nearly all of the state and country’s most powerful Democratic brokers — elected officials, party leaders, labor unions and wealthy real estate interests — to defeat Ms. Nixon, beating her by 30 percentage points.

The race cemented both Mr. Cuomo’s standing as an unmatched force in New York politics and a merciless tactician with little regard for diplomacy.

The final margin in the primary belied the ferocity of the campaign, which began with the charge that Ms. Nixon was an “unqualified lesbian” by a top surrogate for Mr. Cuomo and ended with a mailer accusing her of silence on anti-Semitism. Mr. Cuomo called it “inappropriate” but did not apologize.

Ms. Nixon called to offer Mr. Cuomo a private concession before a fiery speech before her supporters in Brooklyn, where she and her two insurgent allies for statewide office, Zephyr Teachout and Jumaane Williams, had gathered. All three lost.

Mr. Cuomo never appeared publicly after the polls closed on Thursday, letting the results speak for themselves.

Let me start by saying this: there is absolutely nothing–and I mean NOTHING–wrong with being a lesbian. The fact that I even have to say that makes me sick. There is NO reason that anyone should EVER say that Cynthia Nixon was unfit for the role of governor due to her sexual orientation. That sort of underhanded political mud-slinging has no place in the great state of New York. Excelsior, I say! We must remain above the fray.

Bases = covered. With that out of the way, good job good effort Miranda. Andrew Cuomo is an institution. You can’t come at a sitting two-term governor with anything less than a hailstorm of political ads that black out the sun. I can’t recall seeing a single political ad for Cynthia Nixon in recent weeks. She raised 2.5 million bucks. lol. Did the ATM put a limit on your debit card withdrawals? That’s a mediocre haul at any self-respecting baht mitzvah. Cuomo raises that much at a Tuesday Teamster’s dinner at the Fuddruckers off I-90.

Her camp is also blaming extremely high voter turnout for the results. Seriously? You guys are going to blame… democracy? Oh, how the mediocre have fallen. Next time, make sure to ask that people stay home on election night. I’m sure a smaller sample size of your choosing will lead to better results. Yikes.

Something tells me Nixon was not sure how to leverage her fame. She was the career-oriented, stern-but-fair, no-nonsense character on the show. How that didn’t transition into better results for her in this election, I’ll never know. Maybe New Yorkers would have preferred Samantha, knowing she’d hold nightly orgies in the Governor’s mansion? Or Carrie, who would skim tax dollars to support her compulsive materialism? Or Charlotte, who would do NOTHING in office because she wants to please everyone and fears conflict like the plague? Miranda clearly had the best shot, and she came up miles short.

Later that night, as I sat in my unrealistic West Village brownstone apartment, chugging cigarettes and crafting yet another column that couldn’t feasibly support my lifestyle, I couldn’t help but wonder… was Miranda so obtuse as to think she had a realistic chance at governor? 

Yes, Carrie. She was that obtuse.

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