I Have Slammed The Panic Button With The New York Yankees

Everything really sucks right now. Don’t give me that bullshit as an outside team looking in that the Yankees have 90 wins and I shouldn’t be upset. Who gives a fuck about how many wins the Yankees have when they’re clinging to the first wild card spot? I don’t care if you’re a Mets fan or a Nats fan or an Orioles fan watching this unfold and seeing how upset Yankees fans are these days. I really could care less if your team ate shit and died. The Yankees are in a bad, bad spot right now plain and simple. They are on the brink of heading to Oakland for a win or go home game. That’s not a place you want to go where that fucking drum is going to be banging the entire fucking game. I know how that game in Oakland is going to go and it’s not going to be pretty.

The Yankees led the first wild card spot by 4.5 games heading into their recent west coast road trip. That lead is down to 1. Since September 1st they’re hitting .194 as a team with an OPS of .641. A prime example of this lack of hitting came last night when Jake Odorizzi nearly no hit them. Sure the Twins made a few really nice plays in the field, but for the most part the Yankees were lifeless. There seems to be no sense of urgency amongst any of them. You heard it when Robertson spoke at the end of the clip I posted above. Him saying there’s plenty of time left is just wrong. Say that two weeks ago and that’s fine. But there are 16 games left in the regular season, there is no time left. Saying you’ve been playing a lot of good teams that are competing? Bro you just lost a a series to the 67-78 Minnesota Twins. You split a 4 game set with Detroit. You lost 2 of 3 to the White Sox. Don’t give me that. Oakland has cookie cake finish to their season while the Yankees have six left with Boston and four left in Tampa as well as Toronto and Baltimore. I’m almost at the point of thinking it’ll be a shock if the AL Wild Card Game will be played in New York.

No one on this team is saying the right things. I’m not asking to sound panicked, but show a fucking pulse that you’re upset with what has transpired. You’ve completely let this Wild Card slip from your grasp. You can’t use the injury excuse anymore. Everyone besides Judge and Chapman are here. The lineup that they have been putting out the last two weeks are very, very good. These quotes from last night just suck.

“Exactly. We’ve got plenty of time. We’ve just got to put some good innings, good at-bats together and pick up some wins.” -David Robertson

“We’ve kind of been going through it a little bit lately. That’s just the way it is sometimes, and if we’re going to get where we want to go, you’ve got to be able to bounce back from these things.” -Greg Bird

“Everybody here, they’re working. They’re doing the best they possibly can to win games. So whatever happens at the end of the year happens.” -Severino

By far the most encouraging quote came from a guy who has never been in a playoff chase before: Giancarlo Stanton.

That’s the type of thing I need to hear. Don’t give me that bullshit David Robertson said about how there’s plenty of time left and he’s not worried. Don’t gimme that Severino “whatever happens, happens” trash. Don’t gimme whatever Greg Bird says because that guy is a joke of a baseball player and is insufferable to listen to. Tell me you realize the slide you’re on and you’re going to fix it on Friday. Over his last 19 games Stanton is hitting .113 with one homer and 5 RBIs. He’s reverted back to April Stanton at the worst possible time. He knows that has to change and hopefully he comes around during this upcoming home stand. The Yankees still lead the Wild Card and they are good enough to beat anyone in this league, they just have to lock in and do it. Get out of this funk you’ve been in the last 2 months. They need a spark. Can we really expect a hampered Aaron Judge to be it? Maybe? But he’s not here right this second. Go sweep Toronto. Bury them. Do it and get back on track. Then carry that into the Boston series. Don’t let them clinch the division on your turf. Have some pride and don’t let it happen. That should be a mini goal right now.

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