Does This Look Like The Face Of A Man Who Was Supposed To Fix College Basketball?

What the hell is this David? I mean no wonder the Rice Commission on College Basketball couldn’t get it right. We have one of the limited former players on the commission out here on the runway looking like, well I’m not quite sure, what you’d call this look. Lose to Army? That’s what I’d call it. That’s a rivalry jokes, folks.

In all seriousness. The Rice Commission has been viewed as a failure for a handful of reasons. The lack of people who actually know the game on the commission is one. The fact they try to put the blame on everyone but the NCAA is second. The fact that David Robinson is now a model is probably third. How is Robinson supposed to be fixing college hoops when he’s out here modeling this? Now, I’m sure it’s something way about my fashion sense or pay grade. But, I don’t get it.

He could have at least gotten fashion advice from the guy who brought him a title. Learn something from Duncan for me one time, Admiral.


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