There's Not Much Better Than A Night Out At A Bar With A 90's Cover Band

I gotta shoot straight right now, at first I was going to do a blog about how much I love when a bar has a 90’s cover band. There’s a place in New York called LPR and they have 90’s night every Friday and it’s a fucking blast. I’ve been a few times with people from work and it’s probably the happiest I’ve ever seen anyone. Just the smash hits we grew up with and copious amounts of alcohol.

So while writing that blog, I realized, shit, we have an in-house 90’s cover band. And I started typing more and more and I realized I just don’t get it- why are some of our readers, the fans of Barstool, so negative about Pup Punk? I’m going to be 100% honest here- we do put out some stinkers. Of course we do. Not everything is a home run. But Pup Punk is probably the most positive, most fun, and coolest Barstool production since we moved to NYC. And the best thing is, everyone can be involved.

Nobody really knew what to expect at the show at Irving Plaza in NYC. And it crushed. Usually when we put on events, you’ll get negative feedback from at least a few people. I didn’t see any. I think it far surpassed everyone’s expectations because it was such an awesome event to attend. It wasn’t just a “Barstool” thing, it was a rock show…and they are good at it.

I know I’m pumping their tires, but it’s because I’m so confused by what is not to like about it. It’s Rone, Robbie, Frankie, and PFT playing smash hits.

And so now they are taking the show to Boston and I’m pretty sure they are playing more songs and more hits for the Boston crowd.

So if you like 1 of the following: Drinking, 90’s rock, Barstool, hot girls, hot dudes, the Boston Red Sox, The New York Yankees, Dave Portnoy, or boo’ing Dave Portnoy, then you will have a fun time at Pup Punk. And I guess now I’m trying to sell tickets even though I don’t even know if they need help selling tickets but I just want people to go and not miss out.

And look, I’ll be 100% honest, I even get having hesitation about buying tix for a “Barstool thing”. “Omg will it make me a loser?!” The answer is no, it’s a fucking rock concert with beer and your friends drunkenly singing along to classic songs, stop having such anxiety about stupid shit. Plus there’s a chance you might meet the love of your life there. I always figured I’d meet the Mrs. Barstool Nate at a White Ford Bronco show at Clarendon Grill in Arlington, VA, but maybe it’ll be at a Pup Punk show in Boston, Massachusetts. You never know!

So yeah. I could type more about cover bands and how when Blink 182 comes on and everyone loses their minds it’s some of the most fun you can have with your pals (WORK SUCKS, I KNOW!), but you can go to Pup Punk and experience it for yourself. Plus there’s an afterparty where you can meet Dave. So that’s cool too.

Buy tickets here. I promise you won’t regret it.

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